Hepatitis C: efficacy and safety in real life


Interferon- free combinations were registered in 2014 and 2015 for the treatment of chronic HCV infection. As a result, real- world experience has been gathered in the last year and this paper presents data available in September 2016. Real- world studies on the efficacy of the ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF)±ribavirin (RBV) regimen showed a sustained virologic response (SVR) rate of between 91% and 98%. The SVR rate in the 13858 patients included in this paper was 94%, and 92% in the 3506 patients with cirrhosis. In a number of recently published real- world studies evaluating ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir (OBV/PTV/r)±dasabuvir (DSV)±RBV, the SVR rate was between 92% and 100%. The SVR rate of the 4260 patients included in the studies in this paper was 97% and the rate was the same in the 1647 patients with cirrhosis. Recently, data evaluating SOF/simeprevir±RBV showed an SVR rate > 90%, while in combination with daclatasvir this rate reached approximately 95%. The safety data available for LDV/SOF±RBV and OBV/PTV/r±DSV±RBV show that discontinuation due to adverse events was necessary in no more than 3% of patients and the frequency of serious adverse events was between 0 and 11%, in particular in real- world studies. Because of the similar efficacy and safety, real- world data support the use of either the LDV/SOF±RBV or OBV/PTV/r±DSV±RBV regimen in patients with genotypes 1 or 4. There is still not enough real- world data in patients with genotype 3 and other genotypes.



direct-acting antivirals , hepatitis C , real-world experience

About Speaker




City: Bialystok

Institution: Medical University of Bialystok

Biography of Robert FLISIAK

Robert Flisiak is a head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. He earned his medical degree at the Medical University of Bialystok, and completed training there in internal medicine (1988) and infectious diseases (1991). In 1991-92 he completed research training at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Professor Flisiak has been particularly focussed on prostanoids in the pathogenesis of liver diseases, non-invasive biomarkers of liver injury and during the last years innovative therapies for HBV and HCV infections. He published over 400 papers. He was the Dean of Medical Faculty (2005-2008) and vice-Rector (2008-2012) of Medical University of Bialystok. Professor Robert Flisiak is current President of Polish Association of Epidemiologists and Infectiologists, President of the Central European Hepatological Collaboration, and Past President and current Governing Board member of the Polish Association for the Study of Liver.

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