Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Service
City: Modena
Institution: Clinica Santa Chiara SA
Biography of Stefano BELLENTANI
Past and present work :
1979-1981 : General Practitioner at the Azienda USL Carpi (Modena), Italy
1982-1983 : GI Fellow at the UCSD San Diego, CA, USA
1983-2015 G.I. Consultant of the Italian National Health System at “Ramazzini” Hospital,
Carpi (Modena).
July 2014-March 2015 G.I. Consultant at Royal Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital, U.K. November 2015-June 2016 G.. Consultant at Frimley Park Hospital, Frimley, London, U.K July 2015-present Chief of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Service at Clinica Santa Chiara-
Locarno, Switzerland.
Research activity :
Dr.Bellentani research activity is mainly in the Hepatology and Gastroenterology fields:
For basic science research:
1997. physiology of biliary secretion
1998. bile acids hepatocyte transport and metabolism
1999. organic anions hepatocyte transport
2000-present: experimental cholestasis, alcoholic liver disease, NASH
For clinical research:
2000. Clinical epidemiology (Gastroenterology)
2001. Epidemiology of chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, liver steatosis, alcoholic liver disease) 2002-present: liver steatosis, NAFLD, AFLD, NASH, ASH, nutrition (food and drinking habits), therapy of chronic liver diseases
Dr. Bellentani is authors of 150 publications (Total I.F. = >450); in details:
92 publications in international peer-reviewed journals;
21 on national journals;
37 chapters of books
Furthermore, he is author of 150 abstracts selected for oral or poster presentations at both national and international meeting. He is considered an International Opinion Leader in the Epidemiology of Chronic Liver Disease, NAFLD and NASH