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Jean-Marie PÉRON


City: Toulouse

Institution: CHU de Toulouse


Biography of Jean-Marie PÉRON

JM Péron is head of the Toulouse University Hospital liver unit. His area of interest include liver cancer, cirrhosis and hepatitis E. He has over 60 publications on the study of hepatitis E viral infection.  The more recent topics were the characterization and treatment of HEV infection in patients with haematological malignancies, the mortality of hepatis E infection in cirrhotic patients, and the neurological symptoms associated with HEV infection.

He is currently the Secretary-General of the french association of gastroenterology (SNFGE).

PHC's participations

Tuesday, March 09th 2021

Current management of Hepatitis E

13th PHC – 2020

Monday, January 13th 2020

Hepatitis E: what is the real issue? -

Tuesday, January 14th 2020

LUNCH WORKSHOPS - 3. Diagnosis and management of hepatitis E: Room 252A (chairman)

12th PHC – 2019

Tuesday, January 15th 2019

LUNCH WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL LUNCH SYMPOSIUM - 4-Hepatitis E: what is the real issue?: Room 251 (chairman) -

9th PHC – 2016

Tuesday, January 12th 2016

Hepatitis E : the neglected one -