Associate Professor in Medicine & Gastroenterology
City: Athens
Institution: Laiko General Hospital of Athens
Department of Gastroenterology,
Medical School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Biography of Georgios PAPATHEODORIDIS
George Papatheodoridis is Professor in Medicine and Gastroenterology at Medical School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Director of Academic Gastroenterology Department of Laiko Hospital of Athens, Greece. He was trained in Medicine and completed his PhD thesis at the Medical School of Athens University. He was trained in Gastroenterology at Tzaneion Hospital of Piraeus, Greece and had a 2-year research fellowship in Hepatology at the Royal Free Hospital of London, UK.
He served as member of the Scientific Committee/Governing Board of EASL and is member of EASL and AASLD (fellow). He is president of Hellenic Foundation of Gastroenterology & Nutrition, chair of the Scientific Committee for Viral Hepatitis of Hellenic Center for Prevention of Diseases and chair of the committee for the implementation of the Hellenic National Plan for hepatitis C elimination.
He was president of the Hellenic Association for Study of Liver and general secretary of Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology.
His main research interest has been focused on viral hepatitis. He has (co-)authored >290 papers published in PubMed journals having total IF>1800 and >13500/20000 citations (h-index 58/70) in Scopus/Google Scholar.
He was Associate Editor of Liver International and has served as Editorial Board member of other international journals and as reviewer for all gastroenterology/hepatology journals, many major internal medicine journals (New Engl J Med, Lancet, Ann Intern Med, BMJ etc), ILC/EASL-UEGW abstracts, EU 7th Framework Programme for research and Horizon 2020.
He has given >140 lectures, chaired >45 lectures/round tables and presented >260 abstracts in international meetings.